About Us
Our vision is to seed Disciple Making Movement Principles into the whole of the Mid-Texas Conference so believers are trained and discovery group gatherings form and multiply.
To be a mature believer, you must be a disciple maker. A disciple is one who loves and obeys Jesus and helps others do the same. Disciples make disciples.
Sadly, we have lost this DNA of Methodism generations ago. Our hope is to return to our roots -- willing to be "fools" for Jesus.

Grace Lucas
Grace Lucas is on the Discipleship Team for the MidTexas GMC Conference. She has her MDiv from Fuller in Pasadena, CA. Grace has a heart and passion for raising up disciples who make disciples. She is an avid student of the seven disciple making movement elements present in every movement currently active worldwide. She is looking to see multiplication of disciples through training and modeling these 7 key discipleship principles. Grace will be doing that throughout the conference via one on one conversations, Introduction to Disciple Making Movement zoom classes, and two to three day onsite Kingdom Builder Workshops for hands on skill training/practice. "If rapidly multiplying disciple making is happening in other parts of the world," she says, "then why not here? Why not now? Why not among us?"

Frank Oakman
A disciple of Jesus Christ, striving for sanctification. I am a husband to Carrie, a dad to Allyson & Shelby and PopPop to my grandson Rhett. My four favorite things are Christ, Carrie, Coffee and the Cowboys. I have been in pastoral ministry for 27 years in the Methodist Tradition. My wife, Carrie and I moved to Kerrville, TX in March of 2023 to pastor the Remnant Start Up Global Methodist congregation in Kerrville. I am one of the assistant Conference Prayer Directors for the Wall Shakers Prayer Ministry, serve on the Board of Ministry and work with the Disciple Making Movement Ministry in Mid-Texas Conference. I believe the only way the church can impact the community is by Making Disciples who make disciples.

Brenda Rogers
My passion is to lead others to intimately connect with God and others; to live a victorious, anointed life of faith in Christ vs a defeated life in the “survival mode” and to base every decision on the Word of God. My purpose in life is to share Jesus and glorify the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. My spiritual gifts are encouragement and teaching. I want to say or do only what God inspires and anoints. I have been the Music Director at Foundation Church in Temple since 2009. I taught classroom music for 21 years. I’ve served on staff at churches in Children’s, Youth and Music ministries. I’ve been involved in missions here in America and internationally.

Steve Martinez
Rev. Steve Martinez is an elder in full connection with the Global Methodist Church. He has served as a full-time pastor in rural north Texas since 2010. He is the Senior Pastor of Bowie First Methodist Church, Bowie, TX. He was the Presiding Elder for Covenant Area 1 in the Mid-Texas Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church until November 1, 2024. Currently, he serves on the Board of Ministry of the Mid-Texas Conference. Before his call to ministry, he served in the US Army and retired as a Major in 2016. He graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary with an MDIV. In the Doctor of Ministry program at ATS, he studied transformational preaching and leaders, focusing on leading renewal in smaller congregations. He is married to Sandy. They have one adult son, three daughters, and nine grandchildren. I consider myself a disciple-maker ever since I began leading people to Christ and teaching in the church, even as a youth in Sunday School. My mission statement is from Ephesians 4:12-13: “... to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.”